I assumed the Chairman and Director of CMAA / CMAAの会長および理事に就任しました

Cherry-tree of Bonsai in unseasonable snow.

On March 12, 2018 Capital Market Association for Asia (CMAA) was organized and I assumed the duty of Chairman and Director of CMAA.

In view of the cross-border pro-capital market now emerging among Asian countries (hereinafter the “Asian Capital Market”), CMAA intends to communicate and coordinate with market participants and relevant regulators and supervising authorities of Asian countries, with a view to helping designing, development and creation of infrastructure and standard documentation and other market practices which will be required for sound development of the Asian Capital Market.

アジア諸国間のクロスボーダープロ向け資本市場(以下「アジア資本市場」という。)の勃興がみられるなかで、CMAAは、アジア資本市場参加者およびアジア諸国の関係規制監督当局との情報交換と協力を図り、アジア資本市場の健全な発展のための市場インフラと標準書類 (standard documentation) 、その他の市場慣行のデザイン、育成および創出に助力することを目指します。

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